11 Budget-Friendly Ways to Bring Old Clothes Back to Life

9. Eliminating offensive odours from footwear

Eliminating Offensive Odors from Footwear Unpleasant odors emanating from your shoes are often caused by bacteria that thrive in the warm, moist environment created by perspiration. These bacteria can multiply quickly, leading to the development of a foul smell that can be quite bothersome. Fortunately, there are effective methods to eliminate these odors and restore freshness to your footwear.

One of the most effective strategies is to place your shoes in a cold environment to kill the bacteria responsible for the odor. If you have the option, storing them outside or on a balcony is ideal. However, if that’s not feasible, you can freeze your shoes by placing them in a plastic bag and putting them in the freezer. This method allows the cold temperature to effectively eliminate the bacteria. It’s best to leave the shoes in the freezer for a full day or even two to ensure that the odor is completely eradicated.

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