13 Laundry Tips to Make Your Clothes Bright and Fresh Like Spring

9. To eliminate makeup streaks, use shaving cream.

Removing Makeup Streaks with Shaving Cream Makeup stains can be a frustrating issue, especially when foundations and lipsticks leave behind stubborn marks on your clothing. In some cases, these stains may seem irreversible, but there’s a surprisingly effective solution: regular shaving cream. This common grooming product can help lift makeup stains from fabric, allowing you to restore your garments to their original condition.

To use shaving cream for stain removal, start by applying a small amount directly onto the affected area of the fabric. Gently rub the cream into the stain using your fingers or a soft cloth, allowing it to penetrate the fibers. The shaving cream works by breaking down the oils and pigments in the makeup, making it easier to remove. After treating the stain, simply wash the garment as you normally would, following the care instructions on the label.

This method is particularly useful because shaving cream is not only effective but also readily available in most households. It's a quick and cost-effective way to tackle makeup mishaps without the need for specialized stain removers.

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