10. The Fascinating Reproductive Biology of Capybaras

Unique and fascinating reproductive biology makes capybaras different from many other animals. Among big mammals, these animals have among the most amazing rates of reproduction, which helps them to be successful as a species. Though the usual is four, female capybaras can produce litters of up to eight pups. Especially amazing is the precociousness of capybara offspring. Capybara pups are born completely furred, with open eyes, and unlike many other rodents they can walk and even swim within hours of birth. The juvenile capybaras have a major survival benefit from this advanced development at birth. Capybaras have a 150-day gestation period, and under ideal circumstances females can produce two litters annually. Fascinatingly, capybaras engage in group nursing of young, with mothers often tending to one another's pups. This cooperative breeding approach improves group social ties and raises the juvenile survival rate.