8 Life Hacks That Can Save Your Car From Theft

5.When parked, keep your wheels facing the curb.

When Parked, Keep Your Wheels Facing the Curb

One effective strategy to enhance your vehicle's security while parked is to ensure that your wheels are turned towards the curb. Law enforcement officials recommend this practice for a good reason: it complicates the process for thieves who might attempt to steal your car using a tow truck.

When your wheels are angled towards the curb, it creates additional obstacles for anyone trying to tow your vehicle away. Thieves are likely to be deterred by the extra effort and time required to maneuver your car into a position suitable for towing. This added complexity can make your vehicle less appealing to criminals who prefer quick and easy targets.

Moreover, parking with your wheels facing the curb can also help prevent accidental rolling into traffic if the vehicle is not completely secured. This small adjustment can enhance your overall safety and the safety of others around you.

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