8 Life Hacks That Can Save Your Car From Theft

4. Keep foil around your keys.

Keep Foil Around Your Keys

To enhance the security of your vehicle, consider wrapping your keys in aluminum foil. Thieves have developed sophisticated devices that can detect key signals, allowing them to steal cars without needing the physical key. These radio gadgets can intercept signals even if your car is parked securely in a garage or under the windows of a multi-story building.

The alarming aspect of this method is that the car owner is often completely unaware that their key's signal is being captured. Thieves can easily pick up the signal and unlock the vehicle, making it an attractive target for theft. To combat this tactic, experts recommend using metallic materials to shield your keys from "relay" attacks, as metal effectively blocks these signals.

In addition to aluminum foil, consider investing in a signal-blocking pouch or case specifically designed for key fobs. These products provide a convenient and stylish way to protect your keys from unauthorized access while ensuring that you can still use them when needed.

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