Behind the Steel Doors: A Worldwide Prison Cell Tour

The conditions within prisons differ significantly across countries; in some places, inmates face total anarchy and squalor, while in others, facilities offer relatively good living conditions that promote comfort and rehabilitation. This stark contrast highlights the diverse approaches to incarceration and criminal justice worldwide. We've curated a collection of the most fascinating images from prisons around the globe, showcasing everything from overcrowded cells to well-maintained facilities. These visuals provide a glimpse into the realities of prison life, reflecting the varying standards and philosophies surrounding incarceration in different cultures.

Lilongwe, Malawi's Maula Prison

At Maula Prison, space is extremely limited, with conditions that are both cramped and challenging. In 2015, nearly 200 inmates were crammed into a facility meant for just 60 individuals. This overcrowding leads to dire circumstances, such as sharing a single restroom with 120 other inmates and relying on just one water tap for 900 people. Additionally, prisoners receive only one meal a day, further exacerbating the harsh living conditions. These factors contribute to a distressing environment, highlighting the urgent need for reform and improved standards within the prison system.

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