Behind the Steel Doors: A Worldwide Prison Cell Tour

Iranian Prison Evin

Overview of Evin Prison in Iran Evin Prison, located in Iran, is notorious for its overcrowded conditions and harsh environment. Inmates face extreme temperatures during the summer, often reaching as high as 45 degrees Celsius, which exacerbates the already difficult living conditions. Access to basic necessities such as food and medical supplies is severely limited, leaving many detainees vulnerable to malnutrition and untreated health issues.

The quality of drinking water in Evin Prison is alarmingly poor, further compromising the health and well-being of the inmates. Additionally, the prison enforces strict regulations that prohibit family visits and phone calls, isolating inmates from their loved ones and contributing to a sense of despair and hopelessness. This lack of communication not only affects the mental health of those incarcerated but also creates significant barriers to maintaining familial bonds.

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